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©Marie-Sophie Beinke


A new series of helpful books for the designer. If you need pattern, allover or placed, DO.IT!-books supply you with newly developed and royalty free- artworks. Arranged by topics of general interest DO.IT!-books are a must-have for many designers to ease their workload.

All designs are new (extra developed for DO.IT!) and royalty-free to use - from seamless allovers with perfect repeats to perfectly placed prints.

The book comes with an attached DVD containing all designs in editable files (ai and tif). Many of the files have layers and the majority is colour-reduced and saved in indexed colours.

published / 



contains / 

royalty-free artworks


Make-Up / 

Hardcover, thread-stitching, CD/DVD


Price / 

295 Euro

excl. VAT + freight

DO.IT! Minimalism

DO.IT! Abstracts | Vol.1

DO.IT! Spots, Dots & More

DO.IT! Pattern Clash

DO.IT! Floral Splendour

DO.IT! Non Nominandum

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